Casino,Gains, the weight room, my thoughts and online coaching.

When we test our athletes at my school or I see times, heights or distances of our track athletes. Those of our athletes who are absent from after/before weightroom or chose to do their own thing like 4 days in a row of bench press(I actually have a program for that), trying to get summer ABS while still eating cafeteria food. I feel like  K. K. Ichikawa.

I am like that is great you can triple jump 40' feet but if you got a little stronger you could have been a 43' triple jumper and been a Regional Qualifier with a outside chance at state.  Because you could travel down the run way faster and been able to have more jumps in practice. Or that freshman who put both 30lbs on their power clean and bench but the kids who show up consistently added 50lbs to their lifts.  

So like K. K Ichikaea bet one thousand a hand instead of his usual thirty thousand a hand. 

Which is like when their sport coach makes them lift weights I see their results not as gains but like, K.K. Ichikaea didn't think of it as winning ten thousand, he thought of it as losing ninety thousand.

They could have gotten one/two place better at their last meet, or had broken their personal records at a faster rate, gotten to 405lb squat faster or dropped that 4.8 forty to a 4.65 instead of a 4.7. (Mass Specific Force

You as an athlete might/or parent might not have me or some one like me who has a certain skill set. I love strength and conditioning learning about it, applying it to athletes and helping them achieve goals and becoming the best versions of themselves. If you are interested I will have ten spots open starting in December: Email (of course I am free of charge for any current or former student athlete at my school district.) 



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