Crunches are the Devil!

Well no not really sort of...................................... This post was inspired by an article I read from TNation I am guilty my-self of prescribing crunches for my athletes. Athletically there isn't much use for them unless you are training a Brazilian Jui-Jujitsu Athlete and he/she need it for their guard. I am going to quote Jerry Ward "Bro Science" I have been husky most of my life and haven't had any chronic beck problems. With the exception of a Department of Transportation Physical six years ago I haven't darkened the door of a Chiropracticer and the time before that was when I was playing college football and could't turn my neck enough to see the side-view mirror my Ford Ranger. Is it great genes? No both of my parents had bad backs so much so they consumed enough Ibuprofen and Aleve to punch a ton of holes in their livers. It also might be that I have stayed somewhat active lifted weights or did Juj...